The Super Kings’ franchise, which owns the Texas franchise of Major League Cricket (MLC), America’s premier franchise cricket league, has announced their decision to launch an academy to promote the sport at the grass-roots level in the side’s home base, the Dallas Metropolitan Area.
The location, which will be in Lewisville (Dallas suburb), will officially be Super Kings’ ninth state-of-the-art training centre after successful offshoots in London and Tamil Nadu.
Louis Mariano, Director of Cricket at the Super Kings Academy, also came forward to talk about how excited he is over the launch of a new academy. He opined that with Super Kings owning the Texas franchise, an academy in Dallas could go a long way in the side’s plans for the future.
“We’re super-excited about bringing Super Kings Academy to the USA and see a tremendous potential for the growth of the sport, our ability to contribute to grassroots cricket to take it more mainstream, and taking existing talent to the next level. Dallas being the home base for Texas Super Kings, we’re even more thrilled to launch our first academy there, as it creates strong synergies with our long-term plans in the market,” Louis Mariano was quoted as saying by Cricbuzz.
It is worth noting that the Dallas Metro area is home to eight cricket academies, with over 600 kids enrolling in the academy every year. The academy will start with an indoor facility with six full-length cricket lanes equipped with video analysis tools.
There will also be access to outdoor fields for regular match practice for the youngsters. Super Kings’ involvement in developing the sport at the grass-roots level could go a long way in determining how cricket is developed in the area.
If they are able to maintain a strong grip on the Dallas metro area, it could prove to be highly beneficial for the youngsters and the aspiring cricketers. The opening of the academy could prove to be the new era in American cricket and could do wonders for the sport in the country.