In a potentially groundbreaking development, former Indian Premier League (IPL) commissioner Lalit Modi, who is London-bound now, and his erstwhile colleague-turned-rival N Srinivasan could be poised to re-enter the limelight. Their interest has been piqued by a private cricket league anticipated to materialize this year. The Hundred, once regarded with skepticism in English cricket circles, is on the brink of privatization, with investments projected to soar to a staggering billion pounds.
The fate of this endeavour hinges upon the approval of two-thirds (12) of the England & Wales Cricket Board’s (ECB) 18 county teams. Sources suggest that over 10 counties have tentatively embraced the idea, with a few more primed to greenlight the ECB’s plans to revamp a tournament that appears to have gained traction. A bevy of Indian investors, spearheaded by IPL franchise owners, are vying to collaborate with premier counties for a revamped tournament slated to commence in 2025.
Yet, the ECB’s stance remains a focal point of intrigue. Will they permit India-led investors to seize control of the entire venture, or will they endeavour to foster local investments? Notably, broadcaster Sky, which refrained from channeling funds into the recent India-England bilateral series, is set to secure IPL broadcasting rights for the UK market and is poised to partner with the ECB on this ambitious “long-term development.”
Also Read: The IPL was Lalit Modi’s baby and he delivered, says former BCCI secretary Niranjan Shah
Tournament that changed how cricket was perceived
Global fans can brace themselves to be enthralled by The Hundred, a riveting 100-ball cricket extravaganza that promises non-stop action and excitement. With a diverse array of players, including renowned international stars, this tournament offers a captivating spectacle for cricket fanatics worldwide. Eight city-based franchises, specially crafted for The Hundred, will engage in fierce competition over a five-week period each summer.
Both men’s and women’s teams will vie for supremacy concurrently, with squads comprising 15 players, including a maximum of four overseas recruits and no more than two centrally contracted English players in the Men’s Competition. The fourth edition of The Hundred kicks off on Tuesday, 23rd July 2024, as Oval Invincibles clash with Birmingham Phoenix.