The social media was once again buzzing with updates from the cricketing fraternity as several players shared updates from their lives. Mithali Raj Manoj Tiwary and Lisa Sthalekar lauded Deepti Sharma for her five-wicket haul during Day 2 of the only Test against England. Kuldeep Yadav thanked fans for their wishes on his 29th birthday which he celebrated with a five-wicket haul against South Africa in third T20I. Meanwhile, Junaid Khan and Kamran Akmal praised Aamer Jamal for picking six-fer on his Test debut during the first Test against Pakistan in Perth.
Checkout all the above updates and several more here:
Lovely gift to get this morning. Thanks @HTechSynergy for the help in redesigning my website which will go live very soon. #HoHoHo 🎄🎄🎅🏻🎅🏻
— Kevin O’Brien (@KevinOBrien113) December 15, 2023
Whilst a lot of people may have expected India to enforce the follow-on I think this is the right things for their group, remembering they have an other test only a few days later!!! #INDvsENG
— Lisa Sthalekar (@sthalekar93) December 15, 2023
From her variations to tactics, Deepti Sharma turned everything to gold today!
India in a solid position to clinch this test. #INDvENG
— Mithali Raj (@M_Raj03) December 15, 2023
Has the format for cricket in Olympics been decided yet?
— Kevin Pietersen🦏 (@KP24) December 15, 2023
Remarkable performance this!! 🏏🙌🇮🇳
A complete all-round show from Deepti Sharma. A brilliant 67 with the bat and then finishes her bowling figures of 5/7 🔥
England are all out for 136 as they lose their last 6 wickets for just 10 runs. 💯
India have fetched a massive 1st…
— MANOJ TIWARY (@tiwarymanoj) December 15, 2023
Crazy stuff in India…England bowled out for 136 runs with @Deepti_Sharma06 @UPWarriorz picking up a 5’fa!! Unbelievable 😱
— Lisa Sthalekar (@sthalekar93) December 15, 2023
THANKU @KarachiKingsARY @Salman_ARY @Sabeensalman and specially my chota boss shayaan salman u will be my always favourite kid🥰🥰🥰.
— Mohammad Amir (@iamamirofficial) December 15, 2023
A memorable end to the series last night 💯 @surya_14kumar .
Grateful and thankful for all the wishes ♥️🙌🏻
— Kuldeep yadav (@imkuldeep18) December 15, 2023
Coming to Hiriketiya next week with the family for a surfing holiday @KumarSanga2 time to get you on the waves 😉
— Jonty Rhodes (@JontyRhodes8) December 15, 2023
Great to hear ‘Dil Dil’ Pakistan being played at the Perth stadium at tea 👍👍
— Michael Vaughan (@MichaelVaughan) December 15, 2023
A dreamy debut for @iaamirjamal congratulations on your 6 Wickets #AUSvsPAK
— Junaid khan 83 (@JunaidkhanREAL) December 15, 2023
This is what we call a dream debut..brilliant piece of bowling Amir jamal 👏🏻👏🏻 #AUSvsPAK
— Kamran Akmal (@KamiAkmal23) December 15, 2023
A heartfelt goodbye!
— Ahmad Shahzad 🇵🇰 (@iamAhmadshahzad) December 15, 2023